Dr Andrew Ash & Dr Cathy Waters are not re-nominating for Council at this year’s AGM.  After 5 years each on Council, both Andrew & Cathy have indicated they will not be re-nominating for a second term. Andrew however, will be taking on the position of Publications Committee Chairperson in an acting capacity, following Dr Ron Hacker’s intention to step down from this role at the end of June 2020. Ron has very ably managed the Society’s print and electronic publications and social media since 2013. Council acknowledges the contribution and dedication that Cathy, Andrew and Ron have made to our Society in their respective roles.

Council is calling for nominations to fill the two vacancies on Council. Current membership on Council is heavily weighted towards northern Australia, and while all members are welcome to nominate, it would be great to see a stronger representation from the southern half of the continent. Council terms are for four years and there are six teleconference meetings per year. A copy of guidelines for Council members can be found here.  Please contact David Phelps (david.gphelps@bigpond.com), Bob Shepherd (bobleesheperd@bigpond.com) or Don Burnside (don.burnside@iinet.net.au) if you are interested.