Over recent months there have been a number of updates made to the ARS website:

  • ARS Council Minutes for the February, April and July 2020 meeting have been uploaded to the members area of the website. They can be accessed under the Council Meetings and Minutes tab.
  • Publications Committee Minutes for the January, March, July and September 2020 teleconferences are also available in the members area via the Publications Committee Meetings and Minutes tab.
  • The abstracts for all papers and posters presented at the 20th ARS Biennial Conference held in Canberra in September 2019 have now been uploaded onto the website under the Biennial Conference Tab.
  •  A new Professional Development Page indicating leadership training opportunities for rangeland management professionals has also been created under the About Us tab.  This page includes direct links to a number of programs that are of particular relevance to early and mid-career people in rural and remote Australia.

If you have any ideas on possible content for the ARS website please direct your initial enquiries to the Website Editor, Russell Grant at arussellgrant@gmail.com.