A W Howard Memorial Trust Grants 2015

The AW Howard Memorial Trust Incorporated is pleased to announce its 2015 AW Howard Memorial Trust Study Awards, Grants In-aid and Extension Study Awards.

The AW Howard Memorial Trust Study Awards are awarded annually on a competitive basis to allow participation in national or international conferences and/or relevant experience; the study award provides up to $5000 to the successful applicant/s o provide a career development opportunity.

The Trust also takes pleasure in announcing their Grants in-aid. The grants in-aid are awarded to Australian organisations, associations, communities or persons that seek financial aid for projects designed to either: commemorate significant contributions made to pastoral sciences or pastoral industries at National, State or Regional scales; facilitate effective dissemination and publication of innovative science and extension relevant to the development, management and use of pastures within Australia or within Australian regions: invite an eminent overseas pasture scientist to visit Australia to deliver a keynote address at an Australian, International or Regional conference and/or to visit major regional centres to interact with scientists and community groups involved in pastoral industries; or contribute toward the purchase of essential equipment required for research and development projects in the field of pastoral sciences. Up to $5000 may be awarded.

Every two years, the Trust awards a Specialist Study Award for Australian Pastoral Industry Extension Specialists, Consultants and Agribusiness Staff. This award is aimed at study tours either in Australia or overseas to examine grazing systems and practices that are perceived to have economic, social; and environmental l benefits to Australian pastoral industries and rural communities. It is aimed at promoting producer and adviser excellence and leadership. Up to $20,000 may be provided to the successful applicant.

Applicants for the grants close 31 March 2015.

For further information about the grants and application forms, please contact the Trust direct:

The AW Howard Memorial Trust Inc.
c/- South Australian Research and Development Institute
GPO Box 397, Adelaide SA 5001
Ph 08 8303 9401
Fax 08 8303 9403
