19th Biennial Conference Papers 2017

 Disclaimer: These papers have not been refereed by the Conference Program Committee.

The content of each paper is the responsibility of its authors. The Editor has formatted abstracts and papers to a common style.

Papers are ordered by author alphabetically

Investigation of Chemical Essential Oil Components of Thymus Kotschyanus in Zagheh Area (In Lorestan Province)

Authors: Karami, E., Ariapour, A. and Jamshidi, A.H.

Keywords: Thymus kotschyanus, Essential oils, Chemical components, Botanical properties, Thymol

 “The climate has always been changing”: Perspectives of climate change in far west NSW

Authors: Berry, E. and Metternicht, G.

Keywords: Climate change adaptation, land degradation, rangeland community, rangeland management, sustainable land management, stewardship

VegMachine.net. Online land cover analysis for the rangelands

Authors: Beutel, T., Trevithick, R., Scarth, P. and Tindall, D.

Keywords: VegMachine, ground cover, land condition, monitoring

Buffel Grass management in Indigenous communities

Author: Bowman, T.

Keywords: Buffel Grass, Great Victoria Desert, Natural Resources, Indigenous Communities, Herbicides, Technology

Assessing land condition in a bi-polar landscape

Authors: Brandle, R., Baird, G., Facelli, A., Maconochie, J., Oag, D. and Stringer, J.

Keywords: pastoral assessment, land condition, vegetation monitoring, benchmarks, pastoral lease

 Plans are useless: but Planning is essential. A Warning and a Promise for Northern Development

Author: Brisbin, J.

Keywords: Natural Resource Management, Regional NRM Plans, Northern development, inter-subjective reality,

kayfabe capitalism

Assessing the Economic Impacts of Carbon Farming in Western NSW

Authors: Cockfield, G., Shrestha, U.B., Waters, C. and Garland, F.

Keywords: carbon sequestration, payments for environmental services, grazing profitability

Simulated impacts of wet season spelling and intensive rotational grazing on pasture condition in a degraded northern Mitchell grass savanna

Authors: Cowley, R.,  Walsh, D. and Douglas, J.

Keywords: land condition, rangeland management, modelling, grazing systems, spelling

Using FarmMaps 4D to improve management of Indigenous pastoral infrastructure

Authors: Dillon, J. and Cunningham, P.

Keywords: ILC, AIA, Agribusiness, Indigenous, FarmMap 4D, Mapping

Social return on investment in the Rangelands: We think what we are doing is important, but does anyone else care?

Authors: Feuerherdt, L., Peevor, S., Clinch, M. and Moore, T.

Keywords: social return, investment, pastoral, feral animals, APY

Science is just the start – the development of the NRM Spatial Hub

Authors: Forrest, K. and Drysdale, A.

Keywords: Geospatial, monitoring, collaboration, rangeland, transformation

 Uninvited guests: how some weeds of arid Australia arrived as stowaways and became widespread

Author: Friedel, M.

Keywords: invasive plants, vectors, contaminants of seeds, livestock, camel harness

 The Implications of the Emerging Carbon Economy for the Management of the Rangelands

Author: Gavin, J.

Keywords: carbon sequestration, rangelands management, invasive native species

Keeping people and communities at the centre of NRM in the SA Arid Lands

Author: Gregg-Smith, J.

Keywords: Community engagement, self-determination, Better Together, IAP2, relationships, SA Arid Lands

Tech Tools for Improving Productivity, Profit and Pasture in the Pastoral Rangelands

Author: Grey, M.

Keywords: Remote Monitoring, Precision Pastoralism, Sustainable Rangelands

Living with climate change

Author: Howden, M.

Keywords: climate change, pasture, adaptation, mitigation

Resting strategies for recovery of pasture

Authors: Jones, P. and Johnstone, C.

Keywords: resting, perennial grass dynamics, land management

Drought: rain…cash…population…resilience

Authors: Kelly, D., Phelps, D. and Coombes, J.

Keywords: drought, drought assistance, rural community, resilience, transformation, regional policy

Vegetation responses to fire history and soil properties in grazed semi-arid tropical savanna

Authors: Gabrielle Lebbink, G., Fensham, R. and Cowley, R.

Keywords: fire interval, clay, fire season, germination, competition, grazing

Rangeland plants in a warming world

Authors: Leigh, A. and Curtis, E.

Building Relationships Towards Sustainable Economic Development in the Fitzroy River Catchment

Author: Mackay, G.

Keywords: Catchment management; indigenous livelihoods; rangeland communities; stewardship;

sustainable livelihoods; collaboration

From LSP to ILP and all the acronyms in between— transforming an organisation

Author: Mackenzie, G.

Keywords: Landscape-scale; rangeland communities; collaboration; sustainability; collective impact;

organisational change

From the ground-up: Fostering local ownership and building capacity of the southern rangelands of WA

Author: Massie, K.

Keywords: community, collaboration, rangelands, natural resource management, southern rangelands,
Western Australia

Bridging the Divide: Implications of Social Variations Between First- and Multi-Generational Ranchers

Author: Munden-Dixon, K.

Keywords: California, first-generation ranchers, multi-generational ranchers, social networks, decision-making, socio-economics

A Natural Partnership – conservation charity Nature Foundation SA’s partnership with industry is having a positive impact on nature conservation in the SA Arid Lands

Authors: Nankivell, A., Louter, M. and Nefiodovas, C.

Keywords: Adaptive management, biodiversity, ecosystem management, landscape ecology, mining, partnerships

In search of tropically adapted cattle: does size matter?

Author: Pahl, L.

Keywords: Tropics, beef cattle, frame size, adaptation

Lessons and best practice of landholder collaboration for landscape-scale conservation and production

Authors: Pfeiffer, H., Ampt, P., Baumber, A., Cross, R., Berry, E. and Metternicht, G.

Keywords: Stewardship; adaptive management; sustainable livelihood, landscape management, conservation,

production, socio-economic analysis.

Building Drought Resilient Regions: Lessons from Central-Western Queensland

Authors: Phelps, D. and Whip, P.

Keywords: drought, resilience, vulnerability, regional policy, central-western Queensland, grazing


TERN AusCover: Delivering Imagery and Services to Industry and Landholders in the Rangelands

Authors: Scarth, P., Trevithick, R., Metternicht, G., Phinn, S., Held, A. and Christensen, B.

Keywords: Rangelands, ecosystems, remote sensing, fractional cover, land condition

Monitoring in the Australian Rangelands: Where we’ve come from and where we should be headed

Authors: Sparrow, B.

Keywords: Rangeland Monitoring, Biodiversity Monitoring, Monitoring types, Future Monitoring Needs

Transition to Transformation

Author: Stafford Smith, M.

Assessing the impacts and opportunities from carbon farming in western NSW

Authors: Waters, C., Cowie, A., Orgill, S.E., Melville, G., Garland, F., Simpson, M., Chappell, A., Paul, K., Cockfield, G. and Grant, R.

Keywords: soil carbon, erosion, biodiversity

Addressing feed supply and demand through total grazing pressure management in southern Australian rangelands:  key issues and opportunities

Authors: Waters, C.M., Revell, D.K., Grant, R., Pahl, L.I., Reseigh, J. and Atkinson, T.

Keywords: grazing management, kangaroo populations, grazing interactions

Determining the Scale of the Opportunity for Agricultural and Water Resource Development in Northern Australia

Authors: Watson, I., Petheram, C., Chilcott, C., Ash, A. and Stone, P.

Keywords: Water-resources, agriculture, dams, intensification, regional-development, data-sparse

Ecosystem drivers in rangelands; perceptions of drought and climate change

Author: Whalley, R.D.B

Keywords: water, stop-go ecosystems, pasture plant breeding systems, redesign, rangeland enterprises.

Growing sustainably: The Physical and Social capital of Pastoralism in South Australia

Author: Williams, J.

Keywords: sustainable growth, human resources, women, community

The Accidental Counsellor: more to beef extension officers than technical advice

Author: Willis, M.

Keywords: drought, beef extension officers, strategies, coping, technical skills, support
Megan Willis

Pastoralists as Conservation Providers – A New Stewardship Incentive Mechanism for the South Australian Rangelands

Authors: Willson, A. and Freebairn, A.

Keywords: stewardship, incentive, conservation, diversification, pastoral lease