Welcome to the July issue of the Range Management Newsletter.
Welcome to the July issue of the Range Management Newsletter.
Science. Art. Rangelands. The founding members of the Australian Rangeland Society were deliberate in creating a vision of the ‘the science and art of rangeland management’ to guide our profession. Most of our members have a focus on science, yet Australia’s rangelands have captivated artists for centuries longer than scientists. I think we can all enjoy and appreciate the talented art that our rangelands have inspired—but is there a place for art within science?
The 19th Biennial ARS Conference to be held in Port Augusta in late September is fast approaching. Register now to learn more about the challenges and opportunities facing our rangeland environments, industries and communities during a time of significant change.
Peter O’Reagain, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, PO Box 976, Charters Towers, QLD 4820. Email: peter.o’ In February this year, I was lucky enough to have a short study trip to the USA to attend the 70th Society of Range Management Conference in St. George, Utah and visit United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) research […]
Dr Ronald Barry Hacker is one of Australia’s foremost rangeland scientists. His appointment as a Fellow of the Australian Rangeland Society recognises his long and on-going contribution to Australian and international rangeland science and practice, and to the life of the Australian Rangeland Society.
CSIRO Land and Water and the Department of the Environment and Energy are undertaking an exciting project to collect observations and anecdotes that will help to build a national picture of the kinds of ecological changes that have been occurring across the country over the past 10-20 years or more, and where changes may not have been occurring. Read more to see if you can participate.
‘Wizzo – the story of a well and the Nicolson family’ tells the story of one of South Australia’s more well-known pastoral families – the Nicolson’s of Middleback, Roopena, Tregalana and Nonowie Stations. This book gives some wonderful descriptions of life on a pastoral property as well as details of changing land management practices between the family’s first foray into pastoralism in 1919 until the compulsory acquisition of the properties by the Department of Defence in 2013.
The Joint XXIV IGC — XI IRC congresses will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, October 25 – 30, 2020 with a theme of “Sustainable Use of Grassland/Rangeland Resources for Improved Livelihoods”.
Ron Hacker provides an update regarding the Society’s publications and social media as well as welcoming Dr Jen Silcock to the Publications Committee.
The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Rangeland Society was held on 22 May 2017. Highlights of the major reports presented at the meeting, the President’s (Directors’) Report and the Financial Report, are included here.
Applications are now being received for ARS Awards to assist members with travel expenses for attending a conference or other activity, or for studies related to the rangelands. Applications should be submitted using the application form found on the ARS website before 30 November 2017.
This is an updated contact list following the AGM in May 2017.