Drought is currently very topical across Australia’s eastern states, in both rangeland and non-rangeland areas. The ABC reports that “Farmers across New South Wales and Queensland are calling it the worst drought in living memory.” In his editorial, David Phelps discusses whether this really is the case and why the rest of Australia may not know about it.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently visit Boulia in western Queensland and learnt about grazing strategies from Boulia Mayor Rick Britton and ARS President David Phelps.
The World Day to Combat Desertification (WDCD) is observed every June 17th to promote public awareness of international efforts to combat desertification. This year the theme was “Land has true value. Invest in it.”
The Australian Rangeland Society has an exciting opportunity available for management of its social media. If you have a broad interest in rangelands including natural resource management, primary production, conservation, tourism etc. and are social media savvy (or a keen and quick learner) this may be the job for you!
The Australian rangelands community is the poorer for the passing of Andrew David Nicolson on Saturday 2nd June, 2018 aged 86 years – but much the richer for the legacy Andrew created.
David William Goodall was a scientist of international stature who made a significant contribution to the disciplines that underpin the understanding of rangeland ecosystems. He made a substantial contribution to our understanding of Australian vegetation communities, numerical methods, statistical ecology and botany over a career that spanned more than 75 years.
While browsing on the internet, Don Burnside recently discovered a very useful source of information about the number of livestock, presented at the Regional NRM scale.
David’s report highlights the Australian Rangeland Society achievements for 2017, including the very successful Biennial Conference held in Pt Augusta. He also reported that Council made significant progress on two key strategic issues during 2017 – consolidating the Society’s financial position and growing the membership base.
Don Burnside was pleased to report that the financial affairs of the Society were in a much sounder state at the end of 2017 than at the end of 2016.
The Joint XXIV IGC and XI IRC congress will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, October 25 – 30, 2020. The theme of the Congress is “Sustainable Use of Grassland and Rangeland Resources for Improved Livelihoods’.
The Rangeland Journal now has a more international focus. While some members may find that the journal’s content is less relevant to their interests, has this trend to internationalisation improved the reach of the journal?
Did you know that CSIRO Publishing now offers a number of benefits to ARS members? Read more about how you can save on books and journals from CSIRO Publishing as well as receive several other benefits.
How has The Rangeland Journal ‘s Impact Factor has changed over the last year? Who is the new Website Editor? How could you use your social media skills to benefit the Society? Read on and find out.
While Council recently appointed a new ARS website editor, Russell Grant is not exactly a rookie in the role.
The next issue of the newsletter will be coming out in November.
Need to contact someone from the ARS? Find everyone’s contact details here.