ARS Council recently made some changes to the ARS Travel/Study Grant Guidelines.  A full copy of the latest Guidelines can be found here.

Before applying please read the guidelines carefully and take particular note of the following:

  • Applications may be submitted at any time but will only be considered by Council at the first scheduled regular Council Meeting after the closing date for applications of 30 November each calendar year, to be granted in the following calendar year. Applications must be submitted on the form entitled “Application Form for Travel Grant or Scholarship”.
  • One or more Travel Grants (maximum of $2000 each) can be awarded in a calendar year. The maximum amount available for distribution in a calendar year is $6000 based on relevance, innovation and merit.
  • No formal qualifications are required. There are no age restrictions and all financial members or Fellows of the Society are eligible to apply. Applications are particularly encouraged from persons who have little or no organisational support, and those who are early in their rangeland career.
  • Only those people who have been financial members of the Australian Rangeland Society for more than twelve months before the closing date for applications (30 November each year), or Fellows of the Society will be eligible to apply for the Travel Grant. Travel can be either within Australia or overseas. Overseas travel can include travel to Australia by overseas members.

Please contact the ARS Secretary Bob Shepherd ( if you require any further details.