Noelene Duckett, Editor, Range Management Newsletter. Email:
We need your help making our newsletter the best that it can be!
The ARS Council and the Publications Committee are currently looking at ways of making the newsletter more relevant and interesting to our readership. To do this we would like some feedback, particularly in relation to:
- Which of the articles from recent newsletters did you find the most interesting?
- What sort of articles would you like to see in future newsletters?
- Are there particular rangeland issues that interest you that are not usually included in the scope of the newsletter?
- Do you find the current articles to be right length or are they too short/overly long?
If you would like to provide some feedback to these questions, or have any other comments/suggestions about the newsletter please feel free to contact either Noelene Duckett (RMN Editor) at or Ron Hacker (Chair, Publications Committee) at
I would like to wish all our readers a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year. See you in 2018!