Pieter Conradie, ARS President. Email: Pieter.Conradie@daf.qld.gov.au
Much in this newsletter will be dedicated to the ARS Conference recently held in Broome and rightly so. It was an exceptional event where a stimulating well balanced programme, engaging presentations, excellent participation from around 240 delegates and of cause the iconic setting all contributed to make it a conference to remember.
For me personally the general meeting, normally not the most sought-after event on the agenda, was one of many conference highlights. Having five past presidents and two honorary fellows present at this well attended meeting says much about the tradition and character of our society. Succession or ‘passing the baton’ was a topic for discussion throughout the conference and it was encouraging to see many early career professionals attend the general meeting. These ‘young guns’ have since formed a group that together with council will investigate opportunities for increased involvement in the society. Opportunities already identified include social media, a mentorship program and participation in the hosting of the International Rangeland Conference in Adelaide in 2025. If you are interested to participate as a young professional, or in the role of a mentor, please get in touch with council.
Congratulations to Matt Fletcher, Don Burnside and the organising committee for hosting a magnificent conference in Broome which has also contributed to an increase in membership of the society to the highest number since 2013.
With that I wish you a happy and safe festive season and look forward to an exciting 2024.
Peter catching up with old friend Chris Materne and an aerial view of Broome (Photo: Bob Shepherd)