The 22nd Australian Rangelands Conference
It’s full steam ahead for the 22nd Australian Rangelands Society Conference in Broome, September 18-22, 2023. For more information, please visit the conference website by clicking here.
There’s a call out for abstract submissions. Please click here for more information.
Interested in sponsorship information? Click here for more information
Register for the XII International Rangeland Conference 2025
On behalf of the Australian Rangeland Society and the International Rangeland Congress Continuing Committee, the Australian Organising Committee invite all interested parties to the XII International Rangeland Congress. The congress will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on June 2-6, 2025.
Have you snapped a stunning picture of a Rangeland area?
The Australian Rangeland Society is keen to showcase the diversity of our Rangeland areas. If you have a photo you would be willing to share on our social media channels or website, please submit it using this link. Be sure to include any relevant information, including location and photographer’s attribution! If you have any issues uploading, or would prefer to email, please contact
Rangelands include all those environments where natural ecological processes predominate and where values and benefits are based primarily on natural resources. They are areas which have not been intensively developed for primary production. The rangelands of the semi-arid and arid zones cover approximately 75 per cent of the Australian continent and equate broadly with the ‘Outback’. However, rangelands also occur in higher rainfall areas where limitations other than rainfall restrict use to management of the natural landscape.
The Australian Rangeland Society aims to promote the science and art of rangeland management and to foster dialogue between all those with related interests, both nationally and internationally. A full statement of the Society’s objectives may found in the Articles and Memorandum of Association.
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