Don Burnside, acting for Matt Fletcher, Membership Officer
At 20 October 2023, the ARS had 244 active members, including 27 complimentary members. Of these 163 members have paid for 2023 or have paid for three years, representing 75 per cent of those that need to pay. Sixty seven (68) members have paid until 31 December in 2024 or 2025.
Membership at 20 October 2023
Category | Standard | Concessional | Company | Student | Total |
Complimentary members for 2023 | 27* | 27 | |||
Financial members in 2023 | 125 | 17 | 17 | 4 | 163* |
Still to pay | 46 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 54 |
ARS members | 198 | 21 | 20 | 5 | 244 |
Institutional subscribers to the Journal | 89 | 89 | |||
Grand total | 287 | 21 | 20 | 5 | 333 |
* one member has paid for 2023 and 2024 as part of the Conference registration plus membership package
New members
Since 1 January 2023, we have welcomed 41 new members, which is great! They come from a good geographical spread as shown below, as follows.
- Queensland – 17
- New South Wales – 4
- Western Australia – 9
- South Australia – 4
- Northern Territory – 2
- Victoria – 1
- International – 4 (USA, Sudan, India x 2)
It is worth noting that 24 of the new members have joined via the combined Conference registration/ARS membership category which is pleasing. Their memberships will expire at 31 December 2024.
All new members have been sent a welcoming email outlining ARS services and providing the most recent Annual Report, and many of these new members attended the recent 22nd Biennial Conference in Broome, 18-22 September.
Members still to renew for 2023
After a lot of hard work by Jayne Cuddihy and Matt Fletcher, assisted by expert advice by Chris Cahill from our new website service provider Zoik, the revitalised membership system is up and running!
All of those members who need to renew for 2023 have been sent renewal notices, and renewals are coming in. However ….., there are still 54 members to pay for 2023 or beyond. It would be pleasing is all these members could renew as soon as possible.
Members resigned
Since 1 January 2023, six members have resigned, either because they have retired, or because they have changed careers. We thank them for their contributions to the society and the rangelands and wish them well.