Ron Hacker, Chair, Publications Committee. Email:
ARS enters the social media space
If you have visited the Society’s web site lately you will have seen our activity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The Society’s venture into social media is gaining momentum with the number of Facebook likes gradually increasing and some great photos posted on both Facebook and Instagram.
Since the start of our venture into this field the Society’s social media accounts have been managed by Ms Heidi Wright of Wright Social. Heidi has done a great job, not only in sourcing content and moderating the chat but also in developing the documentation that will guide our activity in this space. From early December, when Heidi’s contact expires, the Society’s first Social Media Editor, Ms Amber Marshall, will take over the moderation of all accounts. Amber is based in Central Australia and was appointed to her position by Council in September. Since then she has worked in collaboration with Heidi, in preparation for the hand over in early December.
Search for Editor-in-Chief of The Rangeland Journal
Some members may be unaware of the untimely death of the Editor-in-Chief of The Rangeland Journal, Prof. John Milne, in September. An obituary by Andrew Ash appears in this issue of Range Management Newsletter. John was an outstanding Editor-in-Chief and in his four- year tenure took the Journal to new heights, increasing the publication rate to six issues per year and enhancing the Journal’s status as a medium for publication of high quality inter-disciplinary science related to the use and management of the world’s rangelands. The former Editor-in-Chief, Assoc. Prof. Wal Whalley, has graciously stepped up to act in this role until a new appointment can be made.
An international search to find a replacement for John is now underway and I am hopeful that an appointment can be made fairly early in the new year. This position offers an exciting opportunity for a scientist with suitable publications experience to build on the foundation that has been developed and continue the growth of the journal. The position carries a modest honorarium and a travel allowance. Any member interested can obtain further details by contacting me at the address below.
Retirement of Web Site Editor
After over four years in the role Russell Grant will step down as Web Site Editor at the end of the year. Russell has been responsible for maintaining the currency of the web site during this period – an often time consuming job – and has sat as an ex-officio member of the Publications Committee. His contribution to the Society in these roles has been very substantial and much appreciated. I hope to be able to announce the appointment of a new Web Site Editor in the first newsletter of 2016.
End of the print era
This issue of Range Management Newsletter is the last that will be produced in hard copy format. Future issues of RMN will be available on-line only.