Annabel Walsh, ARS Subscription Manager.  Email:

I have recently taken over the role of ARS Subscription Manager from Graeme Tupper – a job I hope to fulfill as well as Graeme has!

Thankyou to Graeme Tupper

Graeme Tupper should certainly be thanked for his years of tireless work as the ARS Subscription Manager.  He took over the role from Ian Watson about 10 years ago and since then his services to the society have been invaluable.  Graeme went about managing the subscription membership with quiet unassuming efficiency, always having the answers for Council when requested and anticipating Council’s needs prior to meetings.  Keeping the computer details up to date, furbishing CSIRO with numbers, names and address for journal distribution, producing address labels and posting the newsletters were tasks Graeme has been doing on a regular basis. The bi-annual ARS conference always saw Graeme manning the membership stand, giving advice and encouraging new members to join the society.

As well as all the above, Graeme has assisted greatly in the many changes the Society has made over the last few years.  In particular, the development of our new website has been a real milestone.  Ron Hacker, Russel Grant and Graeme Tupper (as the subscription manager) have contributed greatly to the development and complicated processes involved in the detail needed for a smooth change over.

As the new Subscription Manager I would like to thank Graeme for his very thorough hand-over and continued support when needed over the past month.

Online Subscriptions

The new subscription website has had a few teething problems, but thanks to Paul Beaton’s (from website design firm Fat Beehive) calm, confident composure at the other end of the cyber space or the phone, all issues have been resolved quickly.  Also many thanks to those members who had trouble renewing their membership and persisted with the website registration.  Because of your persistence we have been able to twig the program and tailor it to Society’s needs.

It has been a real pleasure for me working with Paul Beaton, Don Burnside, Carol Ireland and David Phelps as we have juggled the many intricacy that popped up in the development and fine tuning of the website.


If members have any queries about their memberships status please don’t hesitate to contact me by email or phone 03 50282250.