The 22nd Biennial Australian Rangeland Conference will be held at the Civic Centre in Broome Western Australia from the 18 to 22 September 2023.
Planning for this event by the Organising Committee has commenced in earnest, being led by Matthew Fletcher (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Kununurra and ARS Councillor) and a team which so far includes reps from DPIRD, Rangelands NRM WA, the Kimberley Pilbara Cattlemen’s Association (KPCA) and members of previous WA Conference Organising Committees.
The Committee is finalising contractual arrangements with a Professional Conference Organiser and is in talks with a number of hotels regarding special conference rates. The Committee is also fleshing out ideas for day tours that will consider cattle management in the Kimberley, biodiversity conservation, Indigenous heritage and fire management in the pindan country.
ARS members should look out for an email in the next few months regarding session themes, guest speakers and a Call for Abstracts.
Conference information will be made available on the ARS website as soon as it is available.