Range Management Newsletter 13/3


November 2013 – Range Management Newsletter 13/3


Welcome to the last newsletter of 2013 – a little late but we got there in the end!

It seems that conferences have been taking a high profile in the latter part of 2013 for a number of our members – Helen King has submitted an article discussing her highlights of the 22nd International Grassland Congress held in September 2013 which she attended using an ARS Travel Grant, while Katrina Gepp’s article sums up happenings at the 6th Lake Eyre Basin Conference also held in September 2013. Sounds like both were a great success! I have also included early information about the next ARS Conference to be held in Alice Springs in 2015 – see page 2 for further details.

I am also excited to include the first book review since we called for interested volunteers earlier in the year. Helen Waudby has done a great job of reviewing the recent CSIRO publication Linking Australia’s Landscapes: Lessons and Opportunities from Large-scale Conservation Networks – by Fitzsimmons, J., Pulsford, I., & Westcott, G. (eds.). Described as well-written and easy to read, Helen suggests this book, strengthened by the use of interesting case studies, is a particularly useful reference for those interested in connectivity conservation. I hope this will be the first of a number of such book reviews – please let me know if there is a publication that you would be interested in reviewing.  Two new CSIRO publications available for reviewing are listed later in this issue.

You will also notice that in this issue I have included a brief biography of each of the authors at the end of each major article. This is a new initiative that aims to help RMN readers get to know some of the members of our Society. I hope you enjoy reading about our contributors!

Finally I want to encourage everyone to consider contributing to the newsletter in 2014. Articles are accepted on a wide range of topics including (but not limited to):

  • Conference/meeting notices and reports
  • Research reports (beginning, in progress and completed)
  • Reviews of recent publications
  • Member profiles (feel free to suggest anyone who has an interesting story)
  • Opinion pieces (as long as they are not defamatory!)

Please submit any articles for the March 2014 newsletter by mid to late February.

In conclusion I would like to thank the ARS Council and the Publications Committee for their continued support of the Range Management Newsletter. I would especially like to thank Graeme Tupper for handling the printing and posting of each issue – you make my job so much easier!

I hope everyone has a great 2014!

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John Taylor, ARS President and Director, 37 Pioneer Crescent, Bellbowrie Qld 4070.
Email: taylamob@tpg.com.au

During September and October my wife and I travelled through Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. After visiting research stations and ranches in these states at various times over the past 30 years, it was time to play tourist and enjoy the scenery of some of the more spectacular national monuments/parks, the autumn colours, and the hospitality of some old friends along the way. We had a fabulous time, and my only regret was that I didn’t do this long ago!!

Since the last newsletter your Council has met once, by teleconference, to consider reports on planning for the 2015 ARS conference in Alice Springs, early proposals for a South Australian conference in April 2017, a verbal report from the Sub-committee investigating the fate of the Rangeland Management postgraduate coursework program, plans for the re-location and safe storage of the ARS archives, Council succession, travel grant applications and the usual finance, membership and publication matters.

Regarding succession, from time to time positions on the Council of the ARS become available. If you are passionate about our rangelands and growing the Society, can commit to regular meetings by teleconference and have some governance training or experience, please contact the Secretary (Carolyn Ireland) or me with an expression of interest.

On the topic of forthcoming rangeland conferences, readers might also be interested to know that it has now been confirmed that the tenth International Rangelands Congress will be held in the northern Great Plains at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada in July 2016. In the meantime, the 67th Society for Range Management Conference will be held in Orlando, Florida in early February 2014.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Chair (Ron Hacker) and members of the Publications Committee, the Editors of The Rangeland Journal (John Milne) and the Range Management Newsletter (Noelene Duckett), staff at CSIRO Publishing, and my colleagues on the Council for their efforts and valuable contributions in 2013. On behalf of Council, I wish our members a very merry Christmas and a fabulous 2014, and we look forward to your continued support.

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How do we live sustainably in the rangelands – now and into the future?  How can we nurture, then develop and share, innovative solutions to the challenges of living successfully in our rangelands environments, where climate extremes, remote urban decision making and small, isolated communities are common?  What advances can we build on to ensure the social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing of people, businesses and communities who depend on our natural landscapes?  Both the nature of the land and the people who live here have generated many imaginative and practical solutions to living in the rangelands – let’s hear about them!

The 18th Biennial Conference of the Australian Rangeland Society will be held in Alice Springs from 12th – 16th April 2015, with the theme of ‘Innovation in the Rangelands’.  Please lock in the dates now.  Check the ARS website and future issues of the Range Management Newsletter for updated information as it becomes available.

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Ron Hacker, Chair, ARS Publications Committee
Email: ron.hacker@crt.net.au

If you are reading this you have overcome the innate desire to avoid something that could be as mind-numbingly boring as an article from the Publications Committee.  However, not all that happens on the Publications Committee is at all boring!!  The Committee comprises a pretty dynamic group of people including (not in any order of dynamism) Steve Blake, Don Burnside, Jocelyn Davies, Noelene Duckett (Editor of Range Management Newsletter), David Eldridge, Russell Grant (ARS web site manager), Ken Hodgkinson, Peter Johnston, John Milne (Editor-in-Chief of The Rangeland Journal), ‘Wal’ Whalley and myself.  If you would like to put a face to these names just go to the web site and click on the ‘About us’ tab.

Having done that you might like to give me the benefits of your opinion on how the web site could be improved or made more useful to you.

Even better you might like to consider helping out with the management of the website.  At the moment Russell Grant does a sterling job of managing the site by himself but it is a big commitment along with a busy full-time position.  If you have expertise, or even general interest, in web site management and would be prepared to assist this very important aspect of your Society do contact me to discuss what might be arranged.

From 2014, The Rangeland Journal will enter an exciting new phase – publication of 6 issues a year.  This will include two Special Issues as well as the four normal issues that we currently publish.  Publication of the Special Issues will attract revenue for the Society as proposals accepted by the Publications Committee will attract a fee from the proposer.  We are confident that sufficient themed material is available, either nationally and internationally, to support two Special Issues per year.  However, these need to be signed up well in advance.

If you are planning a conference or a workshop (or know of someone who is) that might result is around 10 papers on a specific theme relevant to rangelands why not consider the advantages of producing a dedicated Special Issue and open negotiations with Editor-in-Chief John Milne (johnmilne5@aol.com).


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22nd International Grassland Congress – Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Sydney Australia, 15-19 September 2013

Helen King, PhD Researcher, Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, ACT 0200
Email: helen.king@anu.edu.au

I was privileged to participate in the 22nd International Grassland Congress thanks to support from a Australian Rangeland Society 2013 Travel Award.

It was a wonderful opportunity to learn from and network with leading international and Australian researchers, early career researchers and farmers.  The Congress, Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities, had a truly international flavour with more than 800 delegates from around the world. The 4 days included 9 plenaries, over 180 presentations and more than 500 posters. The plenaries by leading international and Australian speakers covered key global issues – from feeding a growing population and climate change to revitalising the skill base for grassland research.   The program encompassed the three pillars of sustainability under streams of Improving production efficiency to revitalise grasslands, Improving grassland environment and resources; and Grassland people, rights, policies, practices and processes.

Although I had anticipated a ‘grasslands’ congress would have a high-input production system focus, I was pleased that the opposite was true with the majority of presentations on rangelands research.   The Improving grassland resources and environment seemed most relevant to my PhD research (Grazing, roots and soil: interactions and implications for soil function and sequestration of soil carbon) but all streams were interesting and the depth and breadth of presentations made it challenging to choose between up to six concurrent sessions.

My participation included Co-Chairing the Carbon sequestration and cycling session, Co-author of The effects of management and vegetation on soil carbon stocks in temperate Australian grazing systems paper presented by Warwick Badgery, and a poster on the relationship between roots and soil carbon Grazing and soil carbon: rooting around for an effect.   And of course networking – starting with the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception and in breaks throughout the Congress.   The poster area in particular was a hub of activity – a boon for identifying people with similar interests but a challenge to get around all the posters.

The standard (at least of the presentations I went to) was very high and I learned about grazing, pasture and soil research from every continent and most climatic zones.   Chuck Rice, Kansas State University, gave an excellent summary of the current state of knowledge in his paper Managing carbon sequestration and cycling in grasslands – current status, future potential.  Other presentations addressed a range of management options and/or ecosystem services, and some were refreshingly left field.   As a small taste of the diversity, Derek Baily, New Mexico State University, used gps tracking and genetics and found cattle spatial behaviour can be inherited in his paper Manipulation of the spatial grazing behaviour of livestock in extensive grassland systems;  Arianne Cease, University of Sydney, found locusts’ need a low protein/high carbohydrate diet to swarm, a condition promoted by overgrazing in her paper Linking rangeland management with the nutritional physiology and ecology of locusts;  and Elisa Oteros-Rozas, Autonomous University of Madrid, talked of the need to recognise and integrate ecological knowledge developed through transhumance (seasonal livestock migration) in monitoring ecological condition in her paper Application of pastoralists’ knowledge to natural resource management in Spain.

During the Congress, I did my best to promote the Australian Rangeland Society and the upcoming ARS Innovations in the Rangelands Conference, and hope to reconnect with a few IGC2013 contacts in Alice Springs in 2015.

The International Grassland Congress was a wonderful experience and I greatly appreciate the support of the Australian Rangeland Society. My participation would not have been possible without the ARS Travel Award. Thank you.


Helens bio: I grew up in Melbourne and gained a Bachelor of Economics at Monash as a mature aged student, leading to a career in management and leadership.  My last ‘real job’ (not that a PhD isn’t a job) was Deputy CEO of the CRC for Greenhouse Accounting where I became interested in soil carbon and the challenges for agriculture.  After the CRC wound up in 2006, I researched agriculture, emissions trading and adoption of sustainable farm practices as part of my Master of Environmental Science at the Australian National University.  Learning about soil and plants, and interested in sustainable development, land restoration and ecosystem services, I became fascinated by soil as the living ecosystem that underpins our existence.  As a PhD, I’m aiming to understand how grazing affects soil function through my research ‘Grazing, roots and soil: interactions and implications for soil function and the sequestration of soil carbon’.  This broadly includes functional ecology and ecosystems services in grazing systems relying mostly on natural processes, ie rangelands.  After my PhD, I hope to continue to work in the area and contribute to research that leads to resilient and productive rangelands.

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Katrina Gepp, Senior Lands Services Officer , Western CMA, PO Box 692,  Broken Hill  NSW  2880.  Email:  katrina.gepp@cma.nsw.gov.au

The most recent Lake Eyre Basin Conference was held from the 17-19 September 2013 in Port Augusta, SA. The conference theme was – Basin voice: shared understanding and action for a sustainable LEB future .  Linking science and management.

This year’s conference was jam packed with presenters covering a host of interests and areas of expertise.  A highlight was vignettes and short films presented throughout the conference timetable featuring people and their lives in the basin.

Sessions covered Mining, Communities, Adaptive Management Changes, Tourism and Water Resource Management and Development.  Speakers included academics, NRM practitioners, business people and pastoralists – this meant a wide view was portrayed on each topic.

Concern was raised over the cumulative impacts of mining, particularly in relation to the extraction of water from artesian sources.  Coal Seam gas exploration and fracking were discussed at length in the panel session.  Ultimately, ensuring strong regulation and compliance to areas such as bioregional assessments was raised as paramount to management and longevity.  There was also discussion on creating frameworks over the Lake Eyre Basin region that could assist decision-making, such as impacts of water usage short and long term.

The Adaptive Management Changes session queried if people are putting into practice lessons learned over the years across the basin.  This was followed by my session on goat management and then Dr Jennifer Firn from CSIRO presenting on her new project which places a value on pest threats to biodiversity and production in a landscape.   Leigh Deustcher reported on a recent pig control program in the Desert Channels of Queensland – with 23,000 pigs culled – and particular emphasis on the methodology used to develop the program.  Simon Wiggins presented on using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for chemical control and mapping of prickly acacia.

Water was covered in several ways from modelling the hydrology of small flows, understanding outside of basin influences and understanding the importance of large and extreme flood events to the Lake Eyre Basin landscape and artesian health.  In particular, the monitoring of fish, water quality and hydrology to understand fish diversity and distribution throughout the water level cycles sounded like a very hands on project!

Also in relation to water, the conference opened to news the Queensland Government was looking to revitalise ‘sleeper’ water licenses – turning them into active licences that may be tradeable, split up and possibly sold upstream.  The concern expressed itself into a resolution requesting the Lake Eyre Basin Ministerial Forum to convene and consider the Queensland Government’s proposal.

I was a host in a workshop session looking at Strategic Adaptive Management and Thresholds of Potential Concern.  My table focused on pest animals and weeds.  In essence, it was like a brain storm session with some guidelines and a time limit.  One of the aims was to test the method being used as well as gather information.  It seems the method has merit however, the time limitations were too severe and people were unhappy not to progress all the way through.  Another element was at a given time, people moved on – bit like speed dating!  Therefore there were four groups of people participating in each section – 32 or more having input.

The conference will be held again in 2015 – probably around the same time as the ARS Conference.


Katrina’s bio: Katrina works with the Western Catchment Management Authority as a Senior Lands Services Officer based in Broken Hill.  She is locally born into the pastoral environment and whilst has spent most of her life working on the land, her experiences include environmental management and regulation across a broad spectrum of industries such as mining and agriculture – for both production and conservation.  To support her management and natural resource management role, Katrina has a Bachelor of Ecological Agriculture, a Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management, a Diploma in International Business and a Diploma in Rural Business Administration as well as a host of other qualifications.  Her passion is the region of Broken Hill and supporting landholders work through the obstacles and challenges they face on a daily basis – striving for peak production and sustainability in adverse conditions.

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Linking Australia’s Landscapes: Lessons and Opportunities from Large-scale Conservation Networks

Fitzsimmons, J., Pulsford, I., & Westcott, G. (eds.), CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria, 2013, xii + 306 pages.   Price: AUD $89.95. ISBN 9780643107045 (paperback).

Linking Australia’s Landscapes is a timely contribution to the field of connectivity conservation.  This approach to biodiversity conservation is typically collaborative (connectivity initiatives are often joint ventures among community, non-government and government organisations) and seeks to restore and/or maintain landscape connectivity.   Through the contributions of diverse authors, and their own input, the editors aim to reduce the void between the theoretical discourse on connectivity conservation and the reality of implementing such initiatives on-ground.   While the editors acknowledge that the book focuses on the practical issues affecting connectivity projects rather than the ecological theory underpinning connectivity conservation, the book does provide succinct information on connectivity conservation principles throughout.   The editors also achieve their other aim of presenting the challenges and principles of connectivity conservation through case studies.   The book is a well written and easy-to-read resource on Australian connectivity conservation initiatives; it clearly outlines the challenges inherent in such initiatives and provides a framework for individuals or organisations seeking to develop new ones. My criticisms are relatively few.

Chapter 1 reviews connectivity conservation principles and practices in Australian and international contexts, and provides a particularly effective overview of global connectivity conservation projects across biogeographic realms.   Some excellent points are presented in this Chapter, including acknowledgement of the gap between ecological theory and the reality of attempts to establish these initiatives at a landscape or National scale, and the need for on-going active management of corridors.   Chapter 2 synthesises key connectivity initiatives in Australia through 14 case studies.   These case studies represent a diversity of programs, including those developed from grass-roots origins (e.g. Gondwana Link in Western Australia) to those initiated at a state government level (e.g. NatureLinks in South Australia).   This Chapter is high point of the book, presenting challenges and successes of these initiatives from the viewpoint of individuals involved directly in them.  Additional editing was warranted in some cases; authors occasionally made statements that should have been substantiated by references (e.g. “Research has shown that patchy early burning results in a doubling of the prevalence of Greater Bilby (Macrotis lagotis) activity” and comments in case study six about the value of birds as indicators of environmental health). However, insightful points were made by all contributors; I particularly liked the comments about collaboration in case study eight (Habitat 141°).

Chapter 3 describes six policies and frameworks from Australia (and one from New Zealand) with a greater focus on creating broad networks than the individual case studies.   It presents some interesting points, especially on the critical need for “social licence” or buy-in from communities when instigating corridor programs.  I was surprised that monitoring was not dealt with in this Chapter.   Case studies on differing approaches to conservation initiatives are also presented, including those of Bush Heritage Australia (BHA) and Landcare.   Section 18, on BHA’s approach to multi-tenure conservation, includes comments on the importance of working with neighbours, and presents a short case study on pastoral relationships, which acknowledges that the largest area of BHA reserves is situated in the pastoral zone in proximity to major pastoral enterprises.

Chapter 4 deals with broad issues that affect connectivity conservation projects, including (for example) governance and social dynamics.   Section 24 deals explicitly with social issues related to connectivity initiatives, consolidating some of the points made by the earlier case studies.   The author of this section makes an accurate (in my view) observation on the frequent labelling of landholders/farmers as one generic entity in connectivity initiatives despite the fact that different groups display diverse social dynamics.   Both Chapters 3 and 4 discuss the National Wildlife Corridors Plan; Chapter 3 provides an overview of the Plan while Chapter 4 describes connectivity conservation principles that underpin it.   Chapter 5 summarises comprehensively the key challenges and insights presented by the book, and reviews ‘opportunities’ for connectivity initiatives.

A noticeable (and probably intended) omission from the book is the issue of monitoring outcomes from connectivity conservations programs (i.e. how should people monitor and what should they be monitoring?).   However, it is an area of connectivity science that scientists and policy makers are still grappling with, and probably warrants a book of its own.   Cultural heritage and connectivity is touched on, but quite briefly considering its importance.  The area is covered most comprehensively by case study five (Territory Eco-link) in Chapter 2, which discusses collaborative works among the initiatives, the Central Lands Council, and Traditional Owners, and notes how critical it has been to work with Traditional Owners. Admittedly, this topic is possibly another that could constitute its own book.  The inclusion of a short abstract or summary at the beginning of each section would have been useful, and it is a shame that the budget could not extend to colour illustrations (I assume).

Clear themes arise from the contributions, including the need for community buy-in, paid facilitator roles and ongoing financial support, the heavy reliance on volunteer support (sometimes resulting in burn out), and the effects of competing views and interests in multi-stakeholder partnerships.   Governance is clearly an ongoing issue for many initiatives, and I liked Carina Wyborn’s (section 26, Chapter 4) description of governance in connectivity initiatives as “…an experiment to be adapted for the particular social and ecological landscape of the initiative”.   A key strength of the book was the use of case studies throughout, which meant that the focus remained on the practicalities of implementing connectivity initiatives.   I would recommend this book as an informative and highly readable reference for anyone working or studying in the field of connectivity conservation.

School of Natural and Built Environments
University of South Australia
Mawson Lakes, South Australia, Australia
Email: hpwaudby@gmail.com


Helen’s bio: My upbringing on a cattle station bordering the Tanami Desert influenced my interest in the plants, animals, and people that characterise rangelands.  My main research interests are wildlife ecology and rangeland management, including the ecology and conservation of small arid-zone mammals.  My Ph.D. research focused on investigating the effects of cattle grazing on biodiversity in cracking-clay gibber-gilgai systems of the stony plains region of arid South Australia, but has also included studies of the ecology of an invasive tick on coastal Yorke Peninsula.  Currently, I am employed by the NSW Murray Catchment Management Authority where I manage a diversity of projects, ranging from the conservation of threatened squirrel gliders to the natural and Aboriginal cultural heritage values of sandhills. Photo: Sophie Petit

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CSIRO Publications have free copies of two of their current publications available for review. To obtain a copy of the book that interests you, all you need to do is agree to provide a review of the publication for the Range Management Newsletter!   It is expected that the review will be completed in a timely manner, will be around 500-1000 words in length, and will be suitable for publishing in an upcoming issue of the RMN.  Please contact the RMN Editor Noelene Duckett if you are interested.

We are currently seeking reviewers for the following new CSIRO Publications books:

Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction. Edited by David Lindenmayer , Emma Burns, Nicole Thurgate and Andrew Love. Due out in January 2014. 
(http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/21/pid/7009.htm) .

Geoarchaeology of Aboriginal Landscapes in Semi-arid Australia by Simon Holdaway and Patricia Fanning. Due out in March 2014.

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A million years of change: wind, flood and fire in the Simpson Desert

On the 15 November 2013, Dr Margaret Friedel delivered a 2013 Rangeland Journal Lecture in Alice Springs discussing the state of flux in the Simpson Desert. Margaret outlined the development of the Desert under changing climates and described some of the changes that she has been lucky to observe during journeys in 2010, 2011 and 2013. While the time frame of these journeys was, in contrast to the long history of the Desert, infinitesimally small, the changes she recorded were often dramatic. They illustrate just some of the forces at work in the ‘Dead Heart’.

A link to the video of Margaret’s lecture is now available on the ARS website (www.austrangesoc.com.au).


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17-22 JULY 2016

As John Taylor indicated in his President’s Report, the next IRC will be held in Saskatoon, Canada in the northern summer of 2016.

The following information can be found on the IRC website:

“Saskatoon is centrally located in the Canadian portion of the Northern Great Plains grasslands of North America. It is the largest city in Saskatchewan with a population of 284,000. Its population and economic growth ranks it as one of the top cities in Canada due, in part, to world-class agricultural and biotechnological research. Saskatoon has a modern airport that offers frequent daily connections to major airline hubs in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. It is also located on the TransCanada Highway for easy ground transportation.

Rangelands are important for Canada, and in particular to the agricultural economy of Saskatchewan, which has almost 5 million ha of native grass rangelands, about 2 million ha of introduced hay, and 1.6 million ha of perennial pasture crops out of a total of nearly 26 million ha of agricultural land. The livestock industries, which include beef, dairy, sheep, buffalo, and exotic or game livestock, depend on rangelands and perennial grasslands for the base of their feed resources.

The Congress will take place at the Teacher’s Credit Union Place (TCUP), which is a world-class convention centre located in downtown Saskatoon and within walking distance to 10 hotels. The South Saskatchewan River flows through Saskatoon and provides a beautiful park with trails for recreation just a few blocks from downtown. Exciting, informative Pre-Congress and Mid-Congress tours will showcase Saskatchewan rangelands and pastures, Canadians and their culture, and the spirit of Canada.”

Further information about the congress will be posted on the IRC website (http://rangelandcongress.org) as it becomes available.

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2014 Membership Rates; GST inclusive, $15 will be deducted if paid before 1st April

Australia           Overseas Airmail

Individual or Family

  • Full (Journal + Newsletter)/Student                $115/$95              $140/$115
  • Part (Newsletter only)/Student                           $75/$60                $85/$65


  • Full (Journal + Newsletter)                                   $150                      $180
  • Part (Newsletter only)                                             $90                        $105

* Please note that the RMN will only be available electronically to members except those who pay an additional $15 membership subscription to receive a printed copy of each issue – see note below under the heading Membership Subscription Rates for 2014

New members are encouraged to join the Society via the ARS website (www.austrangesoc.com.au) and renewing members should also pay their 2014 dues through the website, if possible.  A renewing member should logon using their Username, which is their email address as in the ARS database, and their Password, which is “new login xxxx”, xxxx being the member’s membership number.  If you do not know your membership number, please contact Graeme Tupper by email, grmtupper@yahoo.com.au. Some members may have changed their Password in the database, in which case, Graeme Tupper will not know it. If you encounter problems in logging on, contact Graeme Tupper.

  • All rates are quoted in AUSTRALIAN currency and must be paid in AUSTRALIAN currency.
  • Membership is for the calendar year 1st January to 31st December. New member subscriptions paid after 1st October are deemed as payment for the following year.

Any member who has not paid his/her subscription by 31st March of the financial year for which it is payable shall be deemed unfinancial, and all his/her rights and privileges as a member of the Society are suspended until the subscription is paid.

Membership Subscription Rates for 2014

The 2014 Subscription Rates remain as for 2013.  For members who wish to receive a printed copy of the RMN, an additional $15 membership subscription will be required, except for members who do not have an email address, who will continue to receive a printed copy as part of their standard membership fee.Any enquiries relating to this should be directed to Graeme Tupper, Subscription Manager, grmtupper@yahoo.com.au



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Geraldine Grant  – Dirranbandi  Qld

Boyd Wright   – Alice Springs  NT

Romy Greiner  – Darwin  NT

Mohammed Fatur  – Khartoum  Sudan

Nicole Spiegel  – Charters Towers Qld

Glenda Wardle  – Sydney  NSW

Lauren Young  – Alice Springs  NT

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The Society has two awards to assist members with either:

  • travel expenses associated with attending a conference or some other activity, or
  • studies related to the rangelands.

The Guidelines for these awards have been recently revised and are set out below.  Members interested in either award should submit a written outline of their proposed activity.  Applications should clearly address how the intended activity (ie. travel or study) meets the aims of the Society.  Applications should be brief (less than 1000 words) and should be submitted to the Secretary, Carolyn Ireland, before 30 November.  An application form can be downloaded from the ARS website at www.austrangesoc.com.au.  For further information contact Carolyn by phone on (08) 8370 9207 or email at cireland@irmpl.com.au.

The Australian Rangeland Society Members’ Travel Grant


  • It shall be known as the Australian Rangeland Society Members’ Travel Grant.


  • The Grant is intended to assist an eligible person or persons to attend a meeting, conference, or congress which deals with the art or science of managing rangelands; or to assist an eligible person or persons with travel or transport costs to investigate a topic connected with range management or to implement a program of rangeland investigation not already being undertaken. The Grant is available for overseas travel, and or travel within Australia. It is not intended for subsistence expenses.


  • The Grant will be awarded, or not awarded, by Council on the merits of a written application (not exceeding 1000 words) clearly setting out the relevance of the applicant’s proposal in meeting the aims of the Society. Failure to comply with these guidelines may mean rejection of an application.


  • Applications may be submitted at any time but will only be considered by Council at the first scheduled regular Council Meeting after the closing date for applications of 30 November each calendar year, to be granted in the following calendar year. Applications must be submitted on the form entitled “Application Form for Travel Grant or Scholarship”.
  • One or more Travel Grants can be awarded in a calendar year. The maximum amount available for distribution in a calendar year is up to $6000 based on relevance, innovation and merit.
  • Applications should include details of costs and set out precisely how the Grant is to be expended. Details of any other sources of funding must be given.
  • Successful applicants are required to submit an article reporting on their activities, suitable for publication in the Society’s Newsletter or Journal, as appropriate, within six months of completion of travel.
  • Applications should include the names of at least two referees.


  • No formal qualifications are required. There are no age restrictions and all members of the Society are eligible to apply. Applications are particularly encouraged from persons who have little or no organisational support.
  • Only members of the Society with more than twelve months membership will be eligible to apply for the Travel Grant. Travel can be either within Australia or overseas. Overseas travel can include travel to Australia by overseas members.


  • Any Grant awarded must be properly accounted for by the recipient who will provide to Council full details of expenses incurred within four weeks of completion of travel. Unexpended funds must be refunded to the Society.
  • The recipient will submit their written report to Council within six months of completion of travel.


  • Interpretation of these guidelines is at the discretion of the governing Council in office at the time.
  • These guidelines may be altered by a majority vote at a special general meeting or an Annual General Meeting after notice has been duly served.


The Australian Rangeland Society Members’ Scholarship


  • It shall be known as the Australian Rangeland Society Members’ Scholarship.


  • The Scholarship is an annual award intended to assist an eligible person or persons to undertake formal study of a subject or course which will enable the recipient to pursue the art or science of rangelands management and further the aims of the Australian Rangeland Society. The Scholarship is available for study assistance either overseas or within Australia. It is not intended to defray travel expenses.


  • The Scholarship will be awarded, or not awarded, by Council on the merits of a written application (not exceeding 1000 words) clearly setting out the relevance of the applicant’s proposed course of study to rangelands management and in meeting the aims of the Society. Failure to comply with these guidelines may mean rejection of an application.


  • Applications may be submitted at any time but will only be considered by Council at the first scheduled regular Council Meeting after the closing date for applications of 30 November each calendar year, to be granted in the following calendar year. Applications must be submitted on the form entitled “Application Form for Travel Grant or Scholarship”.
  • One or more Scholarships can be awarded in a calendar year. The maximum amount available for distribution in a calendar year is up to $6000 based on relevance, innovation and merit.
  • Applications should include details of the program of study or course to be undertaken and the institution under whose auspices it will be carried out. It should state precisely how the Scholarship is to be expended. Details of any other sources of funding must be given.
  • Applications should include the names of at least two referees.
  • Upon the conclusion of a course of study a recipient of a Scholarship will be required to write an article on their experiences, suitable for publication in the Society’s Newsletter.


  • No formal qualifications are required. There are no age restrictions and all members of the Society are eligible to apply. Applications are particularly encouraged from persons who do not have any organisational support.
  • Only members of the Society with more than twelve months membership will be eligible to apply for the Scholarship. Study can be undertaken either within Australia or overseas. Overseas study can include study in Australia by overseas members.
  • A recipient who has received a Scholarship in any one calendar year, if undertaking a continuous course of study, can apply for a further Scholarship, provided that the person has satisfied council as to the proper acquittal of any previous monies and has demonstrated satisfactory progress. Notwithstanding, such a person will not necessarily be given preference over other applicants.


  • Any Scholarship awarded must be properly accounted for by the recipient who, depending upon the length of the course undertaken, will be required to report to Council on the progress of study at a regular interval as determined by Council. Unexpended funds shall be refundable to the Society.
  • The recipient will submit their final written report to Council within six months of completion of study.


  • Interpretation of these guidelines is at the discretion of the governing Council in office at the time.
  • These guidelines may be altered by a majority vote at a special general meeting or an Annual General Meeting after notice has been duly served.


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John Taylor
37 Pioneer Crescent
Bellbowrie QLD 4070
Ph: (07) 3202 7632
Mobile: 0429 725 838
Email: taylamob@tpg.com.au

Peter Marin
MLCS Corporate Pty Ltd
120 The Parade
Norwood SA 5067
PO Box 2691 
Kent Town SA 5071
Ph: (08) 8363 7755
Mobile: 0408 678 451
Email: peter@mlcscorporate.com.au

Carolyn Ireland
Ireland Resource Management Pty Ltd
13 Woodland Close
Aldgate SA 5154
Ph: (08) 8320 9207
Mobile: 0400 309 207
Email: cireland@irmpl.com.au



Graeme Tupper
PO Box 141
Orange NSW 2800
Ph: (02) 6361 7734
Email: grmtupper@yahoo.com.au

Annabel Walsh
Moorna Station
NSW 2648
Ph: (03) 5028 2250
Mobile: 0427 282 262
Email: annabelwalshmoorna@gmail.com

Kate Masters
PO Box 505
Mount Isa QLD 4825
Ph: 0422 276 040

Ben Forsyth
Three Rivers Station
Meekathara WA 6642
Ph: (08) 9981 2932
Mobile: 0427 551 114
Email: ben@beefwood.com.au

David Phelps
PO Box 519
Longreach, QLD 4730
Ph: (07) 4650 1244
Mobile: 0427 270 259
Email: David.Phelps@daff.qld.gov.au 
Email: david.gphelps@bigpond.com


Graeme Tupper
PO Box 141
Orange NSW 2800
Ph: 02 6361 7734
Email: grmtupper@yahoo.com.au

Ron Hacker
Ph: (02) 6882 0416
Mobile: 0419 488 318
Email: ron.hacker@crt.net.au

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF (The Rangeland Journal)
John Milne
The James Hutton Institute
Email: johnmilne@aol.com

Noelene Duckett
5 Amery Street
Ashburton VIC 3147
Ph: (03) 9885 9026
Email: aduckett7@msn.com

Russell Grant
Western CMA
PO Box 307
Cobar NSW 2835
Ph: (02) 6836 1575
Email: russell.grant@cma.nsw.gov.au


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