Looking for something interesting to listen to while you are driving?   Try subscribing to The Art of Range, a new US -based podcast focused on rangelands and people who manage them.

The Art of Range is a podcast designed by Washington State University Extension to produce education and conservation through conversation.  It’s aim is to help aspiring and established range managers learn from those who have mastered the art and understood the science.  The podcasts are hosted by Podcast Developer Tip Hudson, Associate Professor at Washington State University Extension and feature a number of guests including Karen Launchbaugh, Fred Provenza, Kirk Davies, Jack Southworth, Lynn Huntsinger and Matt Reeves.

Recent podcasts discuss:

  • Philosophies of grazing management and models of plant community dynamics.
  • Principles of grazing management
  • Landscape Change over Time
  • Matching Animal to Environment
  • Invasive Annual Grass Management
  • Adaptive Stocking for Ranch Resiliency
  • Challenges in Public Lands Grazing
  • Targeted Grazing to Control Weeds
  • Ranching as a Conservation Strategy
  • Rangeland Forage Prediction Tools

You can subscribe to the podcast through your favorite podcasting app (search for “Art of Range”) or listen on the website at artofrange.com.  On the website you’ll also find show notes, full transcripts of the interviews, and an invitation to share feedback.