A W Howard Memorial Trust Grants

The Australian Institute of Agricultural Science (now Ag Institute Australia (AIAST)) established the AW Howard Memorial Trust in 1964. The Trust commemorates the contribution of Amos William Howard to the adoption and use of subterranean clover as a pasture plant in Australia.

Thanks to Howard’s pioneering efforts, the subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) has:

  • become one of the most important pasture plants in Australia
  • transformed millions of acres of infertile soil into productive pasture land
  • increased our harvests by restoring land fertility and worn out wheat lands.

The Trust’s awards are to encourage and promote research and investigation in the fields of natural science and social science (including economics) which relate to the development, management and use of pastures

The AW Howard Memorial Trust Study Awards are awarded annually on a competitive basis to allow participation in national or international conferences and/or relevant experience. The study award provides up to $5000 to the successful applicant/s to provide a career development opportunity. Tours and conferences must be related to pasture research and within the aims of the Trust.

Candidates must be:

  • a member of a recognised research organisation
  • an Australian citizen
  • or a continuous resident in Australia for the past three years
  • or have permanent resident status in Australia.

The Trust will give preference to scientists who have limited opportunity to travel overseas.

The AW Howard Memorial Trust Grants in-aid are awarded to Australian organisations, associations, communities or persons that seek financial aid for projects designed to either:

  • commemorate important contributions to pastoral sciences or industry
  • distribute scientific innovations to develop pasture use within Australia’s regions
  • invite prominent overseas pasture scientists to Australia to:
    • deliver keynote addresses at relevant conferences
    • visit regional scientists and community groups involved in pastoral industries.
  • provide essential equipment for pastoral scientific research and development.

Every two years, the Trust awards a Pastoral Industry Extension Study Award. Extension study awards are:

  • awarded every two years, or at the Trust’s discretion
  • worth up to $20,000 each
  • for study tours in Australia or overseas.

The awards aim to support study tours that:

  • examine successful grazing systems and practices
  • have the potential to benefit Australian pastoral industries and rural communities.

The Trust will assess applications based on:

  • the merit of the written applications
  • a demonstrated track record for pastoral extension and advisory services
  • reports from two referees.

You must be:

  • an Australian citizen
  • or a continuous resident in Australia for the past three years
  • or have permanent resident status in Australia.

For further information about the grants and application forms, please contact the Trust direct:

The Executive Officer
A W Howard Memorial Trust Inc.

C/- South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)
GPO Box 397

Phone: (08) 8303 9400
Email: howard.trust@sa.gov.au
